The Kano after-school program welcomes players of all abilities and backgrounds to join and enhance their skills. It provides a convenient opportunity for parents to allow their children to enjoy playing football within the familiar school environment.
Every Wednesday 12th February to Wednesday 2nd April
Every Friday 14th February to Friday 4th April
3:25PM — 4:25PM
Kindergarten - Year 6
Carlingford PS School Oval
Every Tuesday 11th February to Tuesday 1st April
3:00pm — 4::00pm
Cherrybrook Ps School Oval
Monday 10th February - Monday 31st March
Friday 14th February - Friday 4th April
3:10pm— 4:10pm
John Palmer Ps School Oval
Every Thursday 13th February to Thursday 3rd April
3:20pm — 4:20pm
Norwest Christian College Oval
Kindergarten - Year 6
Every Monday 10th Feburary - Monday 31st March
3:25pm — 4:25pm
Quakers Hill PS School Oval
Kindergarten - Year 6
Every Wednesday 12th February to Wednesday 2nd April
Every Friday 14th February to Friday 4th April
3:25pm — 4:25pm
Carlingford Ps School Oval
Ages: Kindergarten - Year 6
Every Monday 10th February to Monday 31st March
3:15PM — 4:15PM
Hornsby South PS SCHOOL Oval
Kindergarten - Year 6
Every Tuesday 11th February to Tuesday 1st April
3:10pm — 4:10pm
:North Kellyville PS School Oval
Kindergarten - Year 6
Every Thursday 13th February to Thursday 3rd April
3:10pm — 4:10pm
Quakers Hill East PS Oval
Ages: Kindergarten - Year 6
Every Monday 10th February to Monday 31st March
Friday 14th February to Friday 4th April
3:15pm — 4:15pm
The Price Fields Oval, The King’s School
Ages: Pre-Kindergarten - Year 6
Every Thursday 13th February to Thursday 3rd April
3:15pm — 4:15pm
Waitara PS Oval
Ages: Kindergarten - Year 6
Every Wednesday 12th February - Wednesday 2nd April
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Hills Grammar School Oval (Grass/Astro)
Kindergarten - Year 6
Focussed development
Safety and care
passion meets education
Yes. That’s our number one priority. We take all necessary precautions to ensure the children’s safety.
Yes. KANO takes safety seriously, so all our staff is sufficiently trained and stocked to apply immediate first aid.
To ensure that spots are fairly allocated, we require that every student signs up prior to our scheduled events.
If the weather is inhospitable for fair and productive programs, we will reschedule the session and inform you of the change of date promptly.
Each child requires the essentials when entered in our program. That includes shin pads, studded boots, and preferably an after-game snack.